Private real estate

Your new home, we've been thinking about it for a long time

Buying or selling a new home, renting or leasing: it's not something you do every day. All sorts of things suddenly come at you, and you have to make decisions in a relatively short period. Decisions that you want to enjoy for as long as possible. Our specialists are here to help you. You will have support from a professional and varied team of estate agents and financial advisers. We know the market, we know your neighborhood, we may even already know the person who would like to buy your home.

Our current properties

Max Euweweg 117, 2553 PR, 's-Gravenhage
Max Euweweg 117, 2553 PR, 's-Gravenhage
Max Euweweg 117, 2553 PR, 's-Gravenhage
Max Euweweg 117, 2553 PR, 's-Gravenhage
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Max Euweweg 117
2553 PR, 's-Gravenhage
  • 206 m²
  • 7
€ 850.000 Cost buyer c.b.
Loevesteinlaan 395 B, 2533 AM, 's-Gravenhage
Loevesteinlaan 395 B, 2533 AM, 's-Gravenhage
Loevesteinlaan 395 B, 2533 AM, 's-Gravenhage
Loevesteinlaan 395 B, 2533 AM, 's-Gravenhage
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Loevesteinlaan 395 B
2533 AM, 's-Gravenhage
  • 87 m²
  • 4
€ 1.755 p.m.
Herbertslaan 42, 2264 EL, Leidschendam
Herbertslaan 42, 2264 EL, Leidschendam
Herbertslaan 42, 2264 EL, Leidschendam
Herbertslaan 42, 2264 EL, Leidschendam
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Herbertslaan 42
2264 EL, Leidschendam
  • 194 m²
  • 7
€ 1.317.500 f.u.n.
Private real estate

Our specialists

The advantage of a large and reputable real estate agency like ours is that we have 'specialists in-house' in every field. This expertise is necessary because the housing market is so complex than when we started in 1922. So we have grown along with The Hague.

But what is the story behind the houses you see there? Or how do you get the house you want to sell seen by as many interested parties as possible? And how exactly does the process of selling or buying work? What guarantees do we offer you, what exactly do we do for you? For all these questions, we are there for you!

Wat zeggen onze klanten?

Verkoper - 29 december 2024

Verkoper - 29 december 2024

Zeer prettig in de omgang, komen afspraken na en hebben juist geadviseerd. Heel dankbaar met de begeleiding.

Koper - 28 oktober 2024

Koper - 28 oktober 2024

Vanaf het begin was de makelaar zeer betrokken bij de opdracht; had gedegen marktonderzoek paraat en kon vanuit zijn grote ervaring geïnteresseerde kopers begeleiden. Voor een tweede maal was het een zeer professionele aanpak van begin tot het einde en met succes! Van harte aanbevolen!
Verkoper - 23 december 2024

Verkoper - 23 december 2024

Goed, professioneel, empatisch, anticiperend in gesprekken met de verkoper, persoonlijk, omgevingskennis, zakelijk als het nodig was, altijd vriendelijk, soms de nodige humor.

Bekijk hier al onze reviews
We are happy to be of service!

We are happy to be of service!

Tel: 070 - 342 01 01