Mozart Wonen , 2555 WE, 's-Gravenhage

  • 85 m² - 128 m²
  • 5 construction numbers available
€ 599.500 - € 855.000 v.o.n.
Robert Kuiper
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Contact Robert
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SALES HAVE STARTED! Relaxed living at historic heritage In the quiet composer neighborhood on the Laan van Meerdervoort, eight spacious apartments will be built adjacent to the Bethel church. The church will be preserved and the lower adjacent old building will be...

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Living area 85 m² - 128 m²

Buurtstatistieken Componistenbuurt

Leeftijd buurtbewoners





Relaxed living at historic heritage

In the quiet composer neighborhood on the Laan van Meerdervoort, eight spacious apartments will be built adjacent to the Bethel church. The church will be preserved and the lower adjacent old building will be demolished. In its place eight apartments will be realized.

Stylish living

Living at the Bethel church is unique. Unique because of the friendly and small-scale project, the character of the composer neighborhood and the view over the Mozart Avenue with all its greenery. The new apartments will be realized in the same style as the Bethel Church.

Many important amenities are present in the vicinity, such as the shopping center 'De Savornin Lohmanplein', several schools and a library. This makes living at historical heritage very comfortable.

The 8 apartments have a living area of 85 to 128 m² and have 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms.
Each apartment has an outdoor space, complete kitchen and bathroom, separate storage room on the first floor and private parking on site.

Contact the broker for the possibilities!

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Asking price € 599.500 - € 855.000 v.o.n.
Status Available


Number of units 8


Address Mozart Wonen
City 's-Gravenhage
Country NL

Surface and content

Living area 85 m² - 128 m²
Content 221 m³ - 333 m³

Buurtstatistieken Componistenbuurt

Leeftijd buurtbewoners



Vrijblijvend gesprek

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Mozart Wonen, 's-Gravenhage

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Your new location

Mozart Wonen, 2555 WE, 's-Gravenhage


Robert Kuiper
Do you have questions?
Contact Robert
Questions about this project?
Make an appointment via our online tool.

Building types

Mozart Wonen, Mozart Wonen - begane grond, 's-Gravenhage
Mozart Wonen, Mozart Wonen - begane grond, 's-Gravenhage
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Mozart Wonen, Mozart Wonen - begane grond
2555 WE, 's-Gravenhage

€ 659.500 - € 855.000 v.o.n.

  • 92 m² - 126 m²
  • 2 rooms
  • 2 available
Mozart Wonen, Mozart Wonen - hoek appartementen, 's-Gravenhage
Mozart Wonen, Mozart Wonen - hoek appartementen, 's-Gravenhage
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Mozart Wonen, Mozart Wonen - hoek appartementen
2555 WE, 's-Gravenhage

€ 835.000 - € 839.500 v.o.n.

  • 128 m² - 128 m²
  • 4 rooms
  • 1 available
Mozart Wonen, Mozart Wonen - topetage, 's-Gravenhage
Mozart Wonen, Mozart Wonen - topetage, 's-Gravenhage
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Mozart Wonen, Mozart Wonen - topetage
2555 WE, 's-Gravenhage

€ 599.500 - € 609.500 v.o.n.

  • 85 m² - 85 m²
  • 2 rooms
  • 0 available
Mozart Wonen, Mozart Wonen - tussen appartementen, 's-Gravenhage
Mozart Wonen, Mozart Wonen - tussen appartementen, 's-Gravenhage
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Mozart Wonen, Mozart Wonen - tussen appartementen
2555 WE, 's-Gravenhage

€ 799.500 - € 809.500 v.o.n.

  • 127 m² - 127 m²
  • 3 rooms
  • 2 available

Verkoop start Q1 2024

Verkoop start op donderdag 4 april van 16:30 tot 18:30 uur!

Inschrijven kan tot 15 april a.s.

Vraag de makelaar naar de mogelijkheden
